Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Interview

His hands were sweating again. The interview phobia had started acting up again: it always kicked in just five minutes before the interview. He pulled out his handkerchief, tried to wipe his hands dry, but that only aggravated the sweating. He thought of using some powder, but wasn't sure if he had the time.

Suddenly, he heard his name called. Nope, no time for powder. He got up instantly, fumbled with his file and handkerchief, tried to get a hold on both, and in the process, dropped them both.

"Shit - shit - SHIT!", he mumbled as his name was called out again. Quickly grabbing the file and its content, he rushed forward.

"Yes sir! That would be me."

The receptionist glanced at him, and pointed him to a room.

He started getting more nervous. More sweating, more weird thoughts, more fumbling. In fact, his hands were so sweaty by now, that he felt that he could provide enough water to Ganges to keep it running for another thousand years.

"NO, NO, NO! No weird thoughts please! Job interview, yes, rush!"

Somehow he managed to enter the room, and glanced at the table. He saw one person waiting for him. A wave of relief swept over him. Till now, it had always been a panel of three or more. One person was definitely more manageable.

He sat on the empty chair. It felt cold.

"So, your resume only mentions a low cpi, no extra curriculars, and no project at all."

"Yes sir."

"Care to offer an explanation?"

"No Sir."


"Yes sir." The sweating had started more profusely than ever before. Now, his head showed beads of sweat. He needed to handle this. It was his last chance to land a job. 

"Care to venture out of the room?"

"No Sir" 

"What? I am not requesting you, I am ordering you" 

"No Sir.. I mean.. yes sir.. I mean I thought you wanted my opinion on whether to stay or go out. Sir, Sir, please dont kick me out sir... I am good sir. I am good at lot of things." He had to bluff. If now, then never. 

"Ok, what are you good at?"

"Sir..sir..I am good at blowing up labs." He blurted out.


"Yes sir, I've done it four times, once in each of the four years I've been here. All times the chemical laboratory."

"How? How did you manage to do that? What did you mix?"

"Sir, I thought I was mixing NaOH and HCl."

"And what were you actually mixing?"

"Sir, they never found out!! You know, everything was a mess. Next time, I was mixing...". He found his courage back, but was cut off. 

"Never mind. Is there something that you are good at and we can use at our organization?" 

"Sir, you are a telecom company. You know, I can imitate different voices. Sir, Sir, I am a record holder for maximum number of proxies in a class. I put proxy for 20 students in one class. All in different voices. I even put proxy for a girl there sir." On a roll, he thought. Never had he lasted so long in the interview. 

"No, no dear. You are getting it all wrong. Let me test your knowledge. Do you have in-depth knowledge of anything? Anything at all?" 

"Sir, I watch a lot of movies."

"Oh really. I do too. Tell me, how many movies have you watched out of imdb top 100?"

<Shhitt. Who said anything about english movies? I meant hindi movies. No No No. What should I do? What should I do? Bluff it out?>

"Sir, most of them, sir!" He cried.

"I like 12 Angry Men a lot. What about you?"

<12 Angry men? IMDB top 100? Must be an oscar winner? Let me try my luck.>

"Yes sir! Brilliant movie. It even got oscars!!"

"Yes yes. Good good, we have some talking point!"

"Yes sir. What angriness sir. And the fight scenes among the angry men sir, brilliant sir. Never seen such fighting scenes. Beats the angry young man of our film industry, I mean the senior Bachchan!" 

"What? Oh! You must be talking about the discussion sequences. Right right! And what about seven? Did you like that too?"

"Yes sir. Seven angry men was even better! I have seen the whole series. Right from number one angry man to the 12 angry men! And I like 12th and 7th the most." 

"Umm.. any other movie that you would like to talk about? What about Forrest Gump?"

"Lovely sweet animal Sir, the Gump. And the forest, oh! Breathtaking! I am telling you sir, if that movie was made now, in terms of picturization and visualization, it'd make life of pi look puny!"

"Oh really?"

"Yes sir, totally. In fact, if you bring the monkey from the life of pi in the Forest gump, that would be a story worth telling!"

"Yeah, that WOULD be hell of a story!"

"Yes sir." He noticed that his hands were no longer sweating. 

"Well, I think that's it for now. We will get back to you soon."

"Sure sir. Thank you sir. You are the best interviewer till date!"

He had a good handshake, and he walked out. He felt that he had finally overcome his phobia. One good interview was all it took!

Monday, March 3, 2014

The girl at the Cafe

She was sitting with her legs crossed, wearing a white frock that touched her knees. Her round hat, with a tiny bow at the side, perfectly complemented the dress. Her eyes were immersed in a book, and she was sipping a cold coffee in the hot afternoon.

He had been looking at her for quite some time now. He wanted to go and talk to her, but his past 16 attempts to talk to a girl hadn't been quite successful. 

<May be 17th would be a charm.> He got up and walked up to her.

"Can I take this seat please?", he asked.

She looked around, making it obvious that there were so many empty tables in the cafe. <Why does he want to sit near me? He isn't even hot. Or sexy for that matter. For god's sake, she could see a bulge around his tummy.>

He observed her glance around the not-so-filled cafe. <It is not going to work this way. Let me try to be firm.>

"Oh! I thought I would just disturb you". He smiled weakly and pulled out the empty chair to sit.

She looked at him with some restraint. <Oooh. Confidence? Or pretending confidence? She was never the best judge at reading people.>

"Well, I noticed that you are reading a book."

She glanced at the book in her hand and again shot an irritated look at him. <Wow! What an observation! Son of Sherlock I guess?>

"Umm.. I mean..You know.. Its my favourite book.".

<Why dont you tell me the suspense, and save me the trouble of reading the book?>

"I read it when I was eight years old."

<What?! He has been reading since he was eight? :O :O>

He caught the slight movement in which her eyeballs had enlarged, and then contracted back. <There, just there!>

"Ya, I've been quite into studies in my life. I topped straight through all my grades at school, AND through all my university courses. I had read all the books in my library, in fact the principal had to order more books for me." He ended it with a wide grin.

It turned to an apologetic one as soon as he saw her.

She was glaring at him like never before. <He is a nerd. I've heard nerds are not so good at asking a girl out. But seriously, is he worth giving a chance? >

He thought it was time to wrap it up. He started getting up. 

<May be one more chance.>

She snapped her fingers. He looked at her. Her eyes signaled him towards the chair. He quietly sat down again.

Then he noticed her earphones; followed them to find an iPod hidden by the view of the book. Instinctively, he went for it. 

"Oh my! I love music too."

As he scrolled down the song list, there was a slight pang of disappointment. 

"Oh, I primarily like the Kumar kishore and Rafi's songs. And these are all, new hip hop generation. I dont know whats wrong with this generation and their lyrics!"

He raised his head to see her reaction, and saw the angry face again. She was about to burst out. 

<How could he take the iPod without any permission?>

Slowly, and carefully, he placed the iPod back in its position, as it was, hidden by the view of the book. 

<So now he is trying to be all cute, eh? Well, I have to admit it, he is kinda cute! >

"So, do you talk ...?"

He was suddenly interrupted by a loud voice. 

"Hey girl! I am all set!", her friend said, as she tapped her shoulder, "Oh! You have my iPod? I was looking for it all over!!"

He was overjoyed. <That's her friends iPod!! May be, just may be, we share the same taste in music too?> 

It was her friend's turn to look at him.

"Oh! I am sorry, I dont want to be rude or anyething, but she is on a permanent mute, I mean, she cant speak! Hope she didn't cause you any trouble!" 

He was dumbstruck. He didn't know what to make of it. 

As they left the table, she twisted towards him, gave him a short smile and a wink. Then, her eyes pointed to something on table. 

There was a napkin. With her number on it. 

"I can't speak, but I sure can text. Message me? :)"

His heart skipped a beat. 

17th time was indeed a charm.