Saturday, January 1, 2011

The past one month..

It was hectic. It was sleepless. It was tiresome. It was chaotic. With those 50 IIT interns sitting in basement and churning out work at such a furious rate, it was mindblowingly busy.

But somewhere, amidst all the chaos, there was light. One small ray of hope, shining, growing brighter every minute, calling us towards it. Keeping us going.

The journey was characterized by the intellect, zeal and enthusiasm of all the 50 people. I have seen and led many teams in my life, but leading this team was entirely different. Every team I led till now, it was more like directing them; earlier, if I said that 'x' was to be done in a certain way; there was no fighting back; it was completed in that way. But with these IIT interns, it was different. Everyone fought back with their ideas, discussed it at depth, and it was literally a mental masturbation before we arrived at a common point. We worked, we discussed, we fought,we roamed around, we laughed, we joked, we partied.

This was one of the best periods of my life; and all thanks to the 50 IIT interns. I sincerely hope that each of these guys has taken away more than just the stipend. I hope they got topics of conversations to last atleast for a year, memories and friends to last for a lifetime.

God bless the day when this idea was born - it has certainly lifted the mood of entire team upstairs; it has brightened the light at the end of tunnel in a fast fast fast forward mode. Still a long way to go; but the momentum given to us by these guys will push us through the finish line. It will.
