Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What if..

Sometimes, there is a deviation from why.


What if the Batman left Gotham?
What if the Superman left the Earth?


What if....

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

He's playing games!

The super master; the one whom I am trying to find; is playing games with me. To each and every thing that I've said that I won't work upon in my life; I am being forced to do it. Here is a very short part of it:

1) Mumbai - I had said I won't leave mum; BAM! No more Mumbai for me.
2) Workplace - I had a strong notion about not working in places which banned sites like orkut and FB - The master has it again - spending 12 hours a day at a place which doesn't allow many such sites!
3) Arial Font: I simply had pledged not to look at a doc in Arial font; I used to change it to some other font and read it. And as the master dictated; I am doomed to work in a document which doesn't accept any font other than Arial!
4) Teaching: I had sworn long before; in front of my mother; I wont ever teach a full fledged class like she does; well, though it was more by my choice; but the master made me take a class!

Lets see what more is in store; for the time being - I've stopped stating any thing with the trailing line "I swear I won't do it ever in my life!".

Dear Master, as I said earlier too - lets play!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Once again

I state it once again: Great people (read: Elders/ more experienced people) have a way of discovering and stating the obvious. These words prove to be the silver lining when it's bleak all around.

Before falling, even if it is for tiniest possible fraction of time; your mind accepts defeat. If you can train your mind to avoid that moment; is it possible that you wont ever be defeated?


Coffee. I want coffee.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Everytime I decide that I would not crib about this city/ start liking this city - it just beats its previous performance.

I was stuck up in jam for 2 hours today - for a route that normally takes 5 minutes - and that too because of stupidity of the administration! x-(

p.s. Rajat, just shut up. :P

Saturday, September 4, 2010


I was woken up from sleep today with an interesting problem.

Q. How many short line segments will form with ten intersecting lines?

Nice q! Try it and post the solution in comments. :-)

p.s. try it for n!